
Monday, January 24, 2011

A little somethin'-somethin'

Juls had a Giveaway and this is the gorgeous bead I won! You can read about it here.

So....I made a little somethin'-somethin' for her. I hope she likes it.

Buy Needle Case Patterns on my WEBSITE.


  1. Beth, what a cool bead!!! Congrats!!!

  2. Yes it is. I can't wait to make something with him. It was a running joke with Juls and I. Went emailed back and forth about the billboard. The Needle case pattern was made to represent the billboard. It is hard to see in the photo but little birds are sitting on top of the billboard.

  3. NUH. UH. !!!

    Beth, you are crazy awesome. I L.O.V.E. that needlecase~ can't wait to see it in person!!

    How lucky am I!?

  4. Uh-Huh! Special made just for you, Juls! It should be there by Thursday, Friday at the latest. Keep an eye on the old mailbox. Happy Birthday to you!
