
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Please Pray For A Special Young Lady

I had the honor and the privilege of meeting a very special young lady during the Summer of 2009. Her name is Amanda. Shortly after I met her she was diagnosed with brain cancer. The challenges this diagnosis has brought her have been more than I think I could handle. I am told that Amanda has faced this battle head on and never complains. That she is an inspiration to everyone around her.

A belated birthday is planned for her this Saturday. Amanda has requested that gifts be brought for children in the hospital or items be brought that sheltered animals could use in lieu of presents for herself.

Amanda has touched my soul. I knew from the moment I met her she was special. I never dreamed she was going to touch my heart in such a big way.

Stay strong my friend. We will bead again.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda will be in my prayers and thoughts. She is a special young lady isn't she. Keep us posted and I'd be happy to send a card to your house for her if that would be appropriate.
